Wednesday 1 September 2010

High Flyers

FOUR months after King Juan Carlos inaugurated Malaga Aiport’s terminal 3, and in spite of  ash clouds and the recession, hundreds of thousands of passengers are using the airport every week. Over half a million passengers used Malaga Airport in July alone; an 11.8 per cent increase on the last year.
Second only to Palma de Mallorca, Malaga Airport was the second most used in Spain by low-cost airlines during the month of July. In the whole of Spain, low cost airlines accounted for four million passengers, 10 per cent more than in 2009.
While 2.85 million passengers, three per cent more than last year, chose traditional airlines.

For Salvador Pendon, President of the Malaga Provincial Government, the results suggest that tourists attracted to various different market sectors are visiting the Costa del Sol, “we are interested in diversifying the tourism market so as not to rely solely on a few sectors.”
This week the Junta de Andalucia announced an investment of more than €334m for Sustainable Tourism.
But this will not only benefit traditional coastal resorts with €184.4m being set aside for 31 projects aimed to improve the offer for tourists in inland and emerging coastal destinations.
The aim is to create or improve hotels, restore and embellish historical and monumental heritage, create complementary activities, improve accessibility and signposting, and train and advice personnel and small businesses.

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